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Добавлено 22-01-2008, 01:41 в категорию Полезные программы

Web Engineering AIO (by optimusrhyme)

Web Engineering AIO (by optimusrhyme)

Web Engineering AIO (by optimusrhyme)

Web инструменты, всё в одном от optimusrhyme.
Описание и скриншот ниже...

PHP Designer 2008 Professionalis a powerful PHP IDE (Integrated Development Environment) / PHP editor for both beginners and professional developers that enhances the process of editing, analyzing and publishing applications and websites powered by PHP and other web languages.

Designed to boost your productivity and simplify complex coding projects through intelligent set of editing tools that includes full support for PHP 5.2, work with any PHP framework, syntax highlighters, intelligent nested code completion and code tip that are displayed as you type, so you do not need to look into documentation to see classes and function attributes, project manager, code snippets, the large built-in code-libraries, highlights (un)matching brackets and tags and numerous tools and wizards to speed of your development.

The strength in PHP lies in the ability to embed it into- and together with other web-languages and technologies. Therefore, does phpDesigner 2007 Professional not only support PHP but also other web-languages as HTML, MySQL, XML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, Java, C#, Perl, Python and Ruby!
Support for WAMP/LAMP and AJAX developers through the intelligent syntax highlighting that automatically switches between syntax highlighters for PHP, HTML, CSS, and javascript dependant on your position in the document and dims the rest of the code.
Get detailed information about more than 3000 native PHP functions on the fly makes the learning curve for PHP as easy and short as possible.
Jump to any declarations declared in both file and project files with filtering by classes, interfaces, functions, variables and constants.
Easily document your code with phpDocumentor, the standard documentation tool for the PHP language with the built-in phpDocumentor Wizard.
The philosophy behind is to make it, enjoyable to use for hours and hours for both beginners and professional developers through an easy-to-use-, intuitive-, customizable- and tabbed interface!

Blumentals Rapid PHP editor is a powerful, quick and sophisticated PHP editor that extends far beyond the essentials of regular PHP editing environments. Convenient features enable you to instantly create and edit not only PHP, but also HTML, XHTML, CSS and javascript code, while integrated tools allow you to easily debug, validate, reuse, navigate and format your code. Whether you are a professional developer or pure enthusiast, with Rapid PHP editor you can get your job done faster, save time and increase productivity.
Rapid PHP Editor is the world's only PHP editor that includes full-scale HTML, CSS and javascript editors. Now you can accomplish more with a single tool.

Key Features and Benefits:
* Speed - loads very quickly
* Sophisticated, fully customizable and familiar text editor
* Syntax highlighting for PHP, HTML, CSS, javascript, WML, XML and SQL
* UTF-8 Unicode Support More info
* Easily navigate your code with Code Explorer More info
* Lookup PHP function parameters with Function Hints More info
* Lookup functions, variables and properties with Auto Complete
* Debug PHP code with xDebug debugger More info

Internet Business Promoter (IBP) is a multi-award winning website promotion software tool that helps you to get the best results with your site:
Get top 10 rankings on Google, Yahoo, MSN Search and others.
Get more website visitors and increase your revenue.
Outperform your competition.

Everything you need for successful website promotion

IBP offers everything you need to successfully promote your website. IBP is a proven suite of professional web promotion tools that helps you with all aspects of website promotion and search engine optimization.

Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator v1.5.7
Generate sitemaps for your website, be that HTML, Google XML or ASP.Net sitemaps.

DzSoft PHP Editor is a handy and powerful tool for writing and testing PHP and HTML pages. With its deceptive simplicity, the interface of DzSoft PHP Editor is comfortable both for beginners and experienced programmers, making PHP development easy and productive.

Key Features:
* PHP and HTML/XML Syntax Highlighting
* Built-in FTP Client
* The Code Explorer
* The File Explorer
* Project Manager
* NEW: File Search Utility
* One-click run and preview
* Syntax Checking
* Full reporting of errors and warnings

WMS Log Analyzer
a visitor activity analysis application for your Microsoft Windows Media Services. Unlike other analyzers, WMS Log Analyzer has been designed especially for analyzing Windows Media Services log files and supports the entire set of Windows Media Services log file data and provides the best and most complete analysis of these files.

With WMS Log Analyzer, you can get all kind of statistics concerning loaded files, visitors, clip playing time, visitors' countries, etc.

Site Publisher supports multiple site management and provides you with the best way to keep your mirrors synchronized. Information on each mirror and its settings are stored in separate Profile files, so you can update your site mirrors simultaneously with no problems or conflicts. Site Publisher also provides you with the Prfile Property Editor that helps you set up your Profiles. You can easily tune the Site Publisher to work with your site within a minute - just click the New Profile button and follow the Profile Creation instructions. After that the updating your site will be one click operation! In fact, the Site Publisher makes life much easier and lets many web designers (even home users making personal sites) be much more productive and creative with maintaining their sites.

WebShot is a program that allows you to take screenshots and thumbnails of web pages or whole websites. It comes with a command line interface for advanced users. The following image formats are supported JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP.

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