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Добавлено 11-08-2008, 15:03 в категорию Полезные программы

AquaSoft SlideShow Studio v6.1.01

AquaSoft SlideShow Studio v6.1.01

AquaSoft Living Photos Studio - мощная программа для создания мультимедийных ДВД. Фото, видео, аудио, слайдшоу — всё это Вы можете смотреть на своём ТВ. Обширное количество эффектов перехода, настраиваемых текстовых эффектов. Более чем 100 текстовых эффектов, одушевлённые прозрачные и плавающие шрифты и объекты.Возможно наложение звука, музыки и голоса на многие параллельные треки, создание сложных объектов и многое другое.

Features :
Where other photo editing downloads and programs give up Living Photos continues. Even if your slide shows grow a little larger, with the help of structured elements like chapters you won't lose control. E.g., all finished chapters of your slide show can stay collapsed and won't "bother" you while working on the next.

An extract of the functionality:
Zoom and camera pans: swing into the world of pictures; let your photos fly
Burning DVDs and CDs: Your show as video on TV/DVD player or live on PC
Transitions: vast amounts of transition effects and all customizable
Text effects: more than 100 text effects, animated fonts, transparent and floating
Sound: Music and voice on many parallel tracks.
Timeline: define the position of pictures, text blocks and sounds
Image formats: JPG, JPEG-2000, PNG, Tiff and 50 more known image formats
and much more ...

Complex effects are possible with our photo conversion software as well:
In parallel objects runs any number of tracks at once.
Create collages from several pictures.
Mit snappy camera pans and movement paths you'll experience interesting zoom effects.
Let it snow! With particle effects in your slide show (whether with snow flakes or your own photos, it's up to you and your creativity).
Dead-on sound-picture-synchronisation
free volume adjustment via "rubberband"

A small example of the possibilities? E.g., it is no problem to let three semi-transparent pictures fly over the screen at the same time, rotate a movie title into the picture, while in the background a camera pan is happening.

Let your fantasy in creating your slide shows grow wings!

As a basic principle: Everything can be done, but it doesn't have to! You can create slideshows for DVD and PC through our photo conversion software with just a few clicks: add pictures, start the show, done!

Additional features
Let your images really come to life. Zoom your images to your heart's content from small to big, from big to small or with any number of steps in between. In contrast to competing products AquaSoft Living Photos lets you have full control over zooming. You decide when, where and how much is zoomed. Other programs offer a handful of preset paths for zooming. With AquaSoft Living Photos you are the stage director and the program listens to your wishes.

Camera pans
Is a certain section of an image especially dear to you? Then why don't you just magnify this section? The section can float across the image, and even it's size can be adjusted. This leads you to beautiful panoramas with just a few clicks. Your images of nature will finally receive the attention they deserve.
Camera-Pans are of course just as flexible as the zoom, and can be combined with it easily.

Turns* and rotations*
Pictures, texts, collages and particle objects can fly along a freely defined movement path. Additionally, a rotation angle can be assigned to each movement mark. So, for instance, you can let a car follow your travel route or let leaves swirl through the air.
Slideshow Master
Do you want to create fancy slide shows without much effort? Then use the Slideshow Master. It creates sophisticated slide shows in three easy steps: choose images -> choose music -> choose style. Of course you can change and individually adjust slide shows created through the Slideshow Master.

To further process and present slideshows they can be exported as high-resolution videos in AVI and WMV* format. This way even presentations via a beamer in best studio quality can be created.
More than 100 text effects
Boring text effects are a thing of the past. Texts fly through the image as if moved by a ghost. They can move from and towards all directions. Set the paths on which the letters flow yourself (loops, waves, etc.) or leave that to the random generator. The letters make their way alone or in groups, combined with zooms or rotations. When you know all preset effects, start making your own. You can even hand those down to your friends and family. Simply choose the text effect that appeals to you and you can start.

DVD and (S)VCD
Create with just a few clicks DVDs or (Super)Video-CDs that can be played in typical DVD players. Naturally with all animations, transitions, music and voice. Just as you designed them on your PC.
Self-starting slideshow-CDs to be played on the PC can also be created with the help of CD-Wizard.These CDs contain the images in full quality. This way you create spectacular gifts for friends and family in a twinkling of an eye.

Up to now it has been difficult to synchronize images and sounds exactly. With the timeline you receive a new tool that lets you arrange all objects synchronous, one after the other or shifted against each other. The timeline shows the exact position in the time flow of your slide show, so that synchronizing of images and music works accurately to the second.
Past is the mere one-after-the-other of a conventional slide show. By using the parallel object any number of objects can be played synchronously or shifted against each other. This way you may let two photos fly into the screen at the same time over moving paths, while a text animation captures the interest of the viewer. At the same time the background music fades a little bit, while your spoken comment steps into the foreground to say what can be seen. The Timeline lets you control these sequences accurately to the second.

AquaSoft Living Photos is based on the new IntelliLoad-technology, a intelligent preloading method developed by our own house. It is used to initialize the next object during internal idle times. This way the show runs smoothly.
Aside from transitions AquaSoft Living Photos offers the possibility to set detailed moving paths for objects like images or texts. This lets photos fly across the screen, if you want, even several at once. Combined with an 8Bit-alpha-channel channel striking effects can emerge. An accurate time control of transparencies is also possible.

There are more than 40 impressive transitions, each of them can be configured in great detail. With the intelligent random selection hundreds of fantastic screen changes emerge.
Background music
AquaSoft Living Photos manages a play list for your background music. Volume, duration, fade-in/fade-out/transition can be set for each piece of music. To see when which music will play look at the timeline. Together with the sound wizard this makes your presentation truly interesting. Add sound with a click of the mouse. If desired the background music even fades out while you speak.

Just one image at a time? That was yesterday! With AquaSoft Living Photos you create complex collages from any images and texts.
Unlimited number of images
AquaSoft Living Photos supports even very large slideshows. The number of images is limited only by the memory of your computer. On normal equipped PCs 20.000 or more images mean no problem. Together with structurerd elements like chapters large slideshows can be handled without problems.

Did you know, that your digital camera saves information like the capture date in your photos? AquaSoft Living Photos gives you access to this EXIF-data and can even show it with your images. Just write for example "%CaptureDate%" in the image description field and the date will appear on the screen.
Alpha channels
Alpha channels (transparency information) are fully supported by AquaSoft Living Photos (PNG-Image). Create impressive effects, collages with irregular borders or transparencies.

Image editing
With the integrated image editing you can adjust and improve your pictures. Color, sharpness, turn, mirror, cut and effects - the most important features of an image editor are all inclusive.
With the import wizard for scanner and digital camera you get your images onto your computer easily and comfortably. The wizard automatically takes care of saving and naming the images. You only have to change the image in the scanner.

Операционная система: Windows® 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Дом. страница: http://www.aquasoftuk.co.uk/
Размер: 49 MB
Лекарство: Присутствует

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