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Добавлено 24-07-2008, 09:12 в категорию Полезные программы

The Ultimate Troubleshooter v4.66

The Ultimate Troubleshooter v4.66

Разработчики программы Ultimate Troubleshooter считают, что 65% проблем с компьютером возникает не из-за железа, вирусов или спама, а по причине большого количества исполняемых неконролируемых фоновых задач. Так появился The Ultimate Troubleshooter - чистильщик фоновых задач, с помощью которого можно решить, какие фоновые задачи и сервисы необходимы, какие - нет, а какие можно запускать иногда. Приложение было создано как дополнение к антивирусным программам, чтобы обеспечить пользователю "беспроблемное пользование компьютеров отныне и навсегда", ну и конечно, чтобы ускорить работу PC и сделать её стабильней.

A staggering 65% of problems which a PC encounters, whether in business or at home, are not caused by hardware problems, they are not caused by viruses, they are not caused by ; they are caused by background tasks belonging largely to legitimate and well-known software you use every day !

Key benefits:
Written by Network Consultancy and Computer Support professionals who solve PC performance, and software and hardware problems every day of their life. This is the tool we use every single day to simplify our PC troubleshooting while at the same time making it accurate. This is top class expertise in a remarkably easy to use tool !

Includes our famous Task List (+ hundreds and hundreds of additional entries) which is featured in the industry leading "Windows XP Management, Troubleshooting and Maintenance" course (CNET) and Hewlett-Packard's "Tune up your PC" online course and referenced by a majority of mainstream newspaper IT columnists worldwide.

We have the most comprehensive, most knowledgeable, most thoroughly tested, and most detailed list of processes and background tasks on the Internet. The Ultimate Troubleshooter is the most complete and most effective PC Tuning program ever written.

By displaying detailed information on every Task, Service, and Windows Startup that is running on your PC, The Ultimate Troubleshooter enables you to configure your PC for speed, and above all, long term stability. Remember : 65% of all computer problems are down to the software that is running on your PC. Amazing but true. As many users say after using The Ultimate Troubleshooter : "I finally have my PC back to the speed it had when I first bought it, and better !".

Most importantly, The Ultimate Troubleshooter avoids speaking to you in technical jargon in favour of explaining things in plain language understandable by all levels of users.

The Ultimate Troubleshooter also detects spyware and adware, the scourge of so many PCs nowadays. TUT also detects many viruses (you should however also have a good antivirus program in addition to TUT – all PCs should have one).

The Ultimate Troubleshooter includes an industry leading Housekeeping module which takes you through the rigorous checklist steps that knowledgeable IT experts normally follow to keep a PC lean, mean, and healthy.

Brilliantly useful to all home and business users. And unbelievably useful to IT and Network support specialists and professionals as The Ultimate Troubleshooter caters for both the every day user and the Pro who will love its WHOIS, TraceRoute, Ping, and Name Server Lookup features.

TUT is consistently voted as the optimizing tool of choice across all sections of the Press (General computer help, PC magazines, Gaming magazines and forums, General interest)

As a reviewer famously said : "It's like having a $100/hour computer consultant right there with you, every minute of the day, every day of the week, for a one-off fee of just $29". (1-year of product updates and write-ups updates included with the purchase; annual subscription renewals thereafter).

Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/2003/Vista
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Дом. страница: http://www.answersthatwork.com/
Размер: 20.7 MB
Лекарство: Присутствует

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