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Добавлено 1-07-2008, 09:21 в категорию Полезные программы

Ashampoo Burning Studio 8.02 Final

Ashampoo Burning Studio 8.02 Final

Ashampoo Burning Studio - новейший пакет программ для записи CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW и Blu-ray. Позволяет создавать проекты и записывать CD/DVD (в том числе MP3-CD, VCD, S-VCD и Blu-ray). Поддерживает длинные имена файлов (127 знаков для DVD и Blu-ray и 64 для CD), автоматическую настройку параметров, сохранение и загрузку проекта, создание образов, простое управление файлами с помощью DragandDrop и многое другое. Работает совместно с большинством (порядка 1700) записывающих устройств.

The features of Ashampoo Burning Studio:
• Burn files and folders to CD/DVD/Blu-ray and add files and folders to existing discs
• Multi-disc file backup and restore on CD/DVD/Blu-ray with compression and password protection
• Create VideoCDs and Super VideoCDs
• Rip music from audio CDs to MP3, WMA and WAV files
• Create audio CDs from WAV, MP3, FLAC, WMA and Ogg Vorbis files
• Create MP3 or WMA CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs or just copy music to CD, DVD or Blu-ray
• Copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs
• Create and burn disc images for CD, DVD and Blu-ray
• Quickly erase any rewritable media
• Store disc images larger than 2GB on FAT32 file systems
• Interactive troubleshooting assistant for solving hardware and media problems
• Save project files so that you can burn the same discs again later
• Integrated support for over 1,700 CD, DVD and Blu-ray burners
• Video: Burn Video DVDs directly from almost any video files
• Modified and Bootable Copies: Add additional files while copying discs, make modified copies of bootable discs
• MP3 Ripping: Rip audio CDs directly to MP3 as well as WMA or WAV
• Backup and Restore: Choose archive size, restore individual files
• Expert Functions: Create bootable discs from boot images, choose file system settings
... and much more!

Hot features:
• Video-DVDs:
- Burn Video DVDs directly from almost any video files
- Automatically converts all common formats
- Create cool animated menus with a couple of clicks
- Create DVDs with much more than 120 minutes
• Modified/Bootable Copies:
- Create modified versions of bootable discs
- Create disc copies with additional files and folders
- Also create your own bootable discs from boot images
• MP3 Ripping:
- Rip audio CDs directly to MP3 as well as WMA or WAV
• Backup and Restore: Choose archive size, restore individual files
• Expert Functions: Create bootable discs from boot images, choose file system settings

Ashampoo Burning Studio 8.02 Final what is new?

New Label Designer
Discs labeled with felt pen scribbles were yesterday. Now you can design and print cool labels, case covers and booklets in no time. The new Label Designer comes with a stack of professional themes and it can import track and data lists directly from the disc you want to label.

If you’ve ever struggled with label design software you will be amazed at how easy it can be. Just enter a title and any other data and then select one of the pre-designed themes. Your data is entered in the theme automatically and you’re ready to print. You can also design your own labels from scratch, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

* Point-and-click label design
* Ready-to-use themes – just enter your title data
* Import track data from your disc
* Design and create:
o Disc labels
o Booklets
o Covers for jewel cases, slim cases, DVD and Blu-ray cases
* Add your own backgrounds, text objects, images and data tables
* Fast alignment and editing tools for images and text

New animated DVD slideshows
You can now turn your photos into impressive DVD slideshows with animated graphical menus. Just select your photos, select background music tracks and a theme and burn, that’s all there is to it. The program comes with a set of professional themes and you can download more from the Ashampoo website.

You’ll be amazed at the impression you’ll make when your friends and family view your photos on their TV with high-quality animated menus, smooth transitions, zoom effects and multiple background music tracks! All they have to do is insert the DVD and press Play.

* Animated graphical menus, many styles available
* Download more themes from Ashampoo
* Put multiple slideshows on a single DVD
* Combine slideshows and videos on a single DVD
* Add your own background music with multiple tracks
* Lots of cool transitions and Ken Burns zoom effect
* Live previews with sound and navigation

Other new features

* QuickTime® support
You can now also use Apple QuickTime® video files as sources for your video discs.
* DVD preview with sound
You can now preview your DVD movies with sound before burning them.
* Improved performance and compatibility
The whole program has been further optimized for faster and smoother performance and enhanced compatibility.

Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage
Дом. страница: http://www2.ashampoo.com/webcache/html/1/home_2.htm
Размер: 31.8 MB
Лекарство: Присутствует

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