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Добавлено 28-06-2008, 16:07 в категорию Полезные программы

Exppert PDF Pro v5.1

Exppert PDF Pro v5.1

Visagesoft eXPert PDF - драйвер принтера для Windows. С ним любой сможет создавать PDF-документы, которые могут быть опубликованы на веб-сайтах. Программа позволяет с лёгкостью конвертировать в PDF любой документ, например таблицы Excel или документы Word. Также имеется возможность редактирования созданных PDF-файлов.

>> Convert to PDF
>> PDF Editing
>> Reinforced security and authenticity
>> E-Mail support
>> Batch PDF Convertion

eXPert PDF Editor Features

View and Print PDF files
Open, navigate and print any PDF file using eXPert PDF Editor. Navigation options include, thumbnails, pages, bookmarks or hyperlinks. Using eXPert PDF Editor as the default PDF viewer in Internet Explorer allows access to Editor's tools when viewing PDF files from the web.

Annotate with comments
eXPert PDF Editor includes the ability to create/add and save comments directly in the PDF file. Add "sticky note" comments or highlight text. All comment types have a pop-up comment window into which you can type additional information.

Manipulate PDF files
eXPert PDF Editor allows you to manipulate PDF pages and documents by changing document security, merge/append pages from other documents,delete, insert, extract and reordering pages and then save the changes to the file.

Bookmark editing
Add, edit, format, reposition and delete bookmarks. Formatting features include font, colour, and bold and italic preferences. The destination zoom level of all bookmarks in a document can be set to the same level, especially useful after combining several documents with bookmarks into one document.

Full text, image, and vector drawing editing (Professional Edition)

eXPert PDF Editor is the only product available allowing full editing of pdf documents with out the needs of external applications. With expert pdf editor you may create/modify/delete text objects, images and even vector drawing objects like curves, lines, paths. With eXPert PDF Editor your pdf documents can be edited using functionality like whell known vector drawing applications.

Familiar and customizable/skinable interface
eXPert PDF Editor was designed with Microsoft Offices users in mind so reducing the learning curve for using this application. Many features function similar to those in MS Office applications and standard Windows keyboard shortcuts are used. There are several ways to customize the user interface such as dock the Navigation pane on the left or right of your screen, allow it to float, rearrange toolbars and turn toolbars or individual buttons off or on.And final the reader support skins/themes so you may adopt its visual appearance to you needs.

Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/2003/Vista
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Размер: 21.1 MB
Лекарство: Присутствует

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