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Добавлено 15-06-2008, 00:16 в категорию Полезные программы

FTP Now 2.6.89

FTP Now 2.6.89

FTP Now - отличный фтп-клиент под Windows с поддержкой функции drag & drop и возможностью одновременной закачки и скачивания нескольких файлов. Кроме этого, программа обладает всем функциями, необходимыми фтп-клиенту:
- поддержка работы через прокси
- возможность закачивать папки целиком
- менеджер сайтов
- поддержка докачки
- поддержка стилей Windows XP
- и многое другое...

FTP Now® - FTP Client for Transferring Files Easily! FTP Now is a fast, multi-threaded Windows FTP client software with the look-and-feel of Windows Explorer. It makes moving files between the Internet and your computer as simple as local file manipulation. Whether uploading a Web page, an image, or downloading music and software or transferring various files between your computer and any FTP server, FTP Now will get the job done easily and fast, it is suitable for beginner and expert.

# Full Drag and Drop FTP upload and download
# Upload/Download Entire Folders at Once
# Connection Wizard - Guides you through the necessary steps of creating a new FTP connection
# Upload/Download Multiple Files Simultaneously
# All file transfer requests are handled in the background - You can connect to another server, while file transfers are still in progress.
# Bookmark FTP Folders and go to them with just one click
# Fully Customizable User Interface - Local File Browser, Quick Connect Bar, Transfer Manager, and Trace Window are all dockable
# Site Manager - Saves multiple FTP server profiles
# CERN Proxy support
# Resume support for download and upload
# Automatically send keepalive command to prevent disconnection
# Windows XP theme support - looks charming on Windows XP
# FTP Now uses the Windows style list boxes for displaying the contents of remote servers
# Displays detail information regarding your download/upload
# Sends custom FTP command
# Automatically retry if a connection attempt failed
# Windows Explorer Look and Feel - It makes moving files between the Internet and your computer as simple as local file manipulation
# Supports all standard FTP commands

Лекарство в архиве.
Размер: 2.45 Mb

Автор публикации: edikbirnt.
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В закладки жми Просмотров: 901 автор: edikbirnt Комментарии (0)

Все новости выпущенные 15-06-2008, 00:16

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