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Добавлено 7-06-2008, 19:44 в категорию Полезные программы

Digital Film Tools Power Stroke v1.0 for Photoshop

Digital Film Tools Power Stroke v1.0 for Photoshop

Компания Digital Film Tools выпустила плагин для Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and Apple Aperture
Дополнение Power Stroke 1.0 предназначено для упрощения выполнения разных операций, связанных с улучшением изображения. При помощи плагина можно очерчивать области изображения, для которых нужно выполнить коррекцию, вместо того, чтобы тратить время на создание точных масок или покадровое рисование. Используя Power Stroke, можно выполнять раскрашивание черно-белого изображения, изменять цвета, смазывать изображение, обесцвечивать выделенные фрагменты и т.д.

Power Stroke introduces a simple, interactive stroke-based interface to quickly and intuitively perform targeted adjustments. Instead of meticulously selecting regions or hand-painting masks, regions of interest are isolated by drawing a few simple brush strokes with adjustments then made only in those areas. Strokes can be assigned multiple adjustments and effects such as color correction, recoloring or desaturation, colorization of black and white images, blur, fill light for dimly lit image areas and Diffusion/Glow.
Digital Film Tools Power Stroke Features :

The Adjust controls manipulate the color of the image in the area defined by a stroke. Hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, gamma, red, green, blue, temperature and cyan/magenta can all be adjusted and manipulated.

Individual strokes and the areas defined by them can have varying blur values to create interesting depth of field effects.

Colorization is the art of adding color to a monochrome image or movie. The idea of coloring photos and films is not new. Ironically, hand coloring of photographs is as old as photography itself. There exists such examples from 1842 and possibly earlier. Colorization was used in motion pictures in the early 1900?s by the French Company Pathй, where many films were colored by hand. It was also a common practice for filmstrips into the 1930?s. The computerassisted process was first introduced by Canadians Wilson Markle and Brian Hunt in 1970 for adding color to black and white movies.

Diffusion/Glow creates diffusion or glows around selected areas of the image.

Fill Light
Fill Light adds light to shadow areas as if you were adding light at the time of photography.

Multi-colored gradients when applied to strokes colorize according to the image?s brightness values. The colors located at the left side of the gradient are applied to shadow areas, colors on the right part of the gradient are applied to highlight areas, while the colors in the middle are applied to midtones.

Selective Recoloring
Areas of the image are isolated with strokes and using advanced recoloring algorithms are naturally tinted.

Selective Black and White
Selective black and white effects have become increasingly popular and can be achieved using Power Stroke, even if you are working with objects that contain fine detail, like strands of hair.

Скачать Digital Film Tools Power Stroke v1.0 for Photoshop (11.6 Mb):
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