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Добавлено 30-04-2008, 11:52 в категорию Полезные программы

Magic Camera v3.0.0.0

Magic Camera v3.0.0.0

Magic Camera also enables you to share desktop screen with your friends by doing a live screen capture/sending. With this option you can share your documents with your colleagues, show visual demonstration on IM or video chat software, keep your privacy by pretending to be some one else or even do a real-time video forwarding via this virtual camera.

Magic Camera operates via adding a virtual camera to your system, Windows 2000/XP and Vista included, and allows you to use it exactly the same as a real camera.

Key Features;
Add a virtual camera to your instant messenger or video chat software.
Split real webcam into virtual camera for using with multiple programs simultaneously.
Share your desktop screen or windows with your friends in the messenger by selecting this virtual camera.
Add lots of funny photo frames and do image overlays to your webcam.
Record webcams or activity on screen and encode them to video files for later playback in virtual camera. With this, you can save your video conversation.
Play pre-recorded videos to your friends without even having a physical webcam.
Add various fantastic video effects to your web camera/video files/photos/screen and show it to your friends.
Do a live desktop screen streaming by capturing screen as well as sending it out at the same time. With this option, you can send back your friend's live video like a mirror. Also, using this virtual camera, you can keep your privacy by pretending to be some one else. Even more, freely add magic video effects to the video!
Slide Show your photo albums in your favorite IM.
Easily switch video input between your real camera and other virtual sources.
Check update automatically.
Easy to use; Simple installation that will have you up and running this powerful virtual camera in minutes.
Text overlay enabled.
Easily add widget, face to webcam.
Picture in Picture.
Video and Animation overlay;
On screen edit by mouse drag;
Users can add or customize their own effects.

Размер: 9.29 MB (Лекарство в архиве)

Автор публикации: Burjuy4ik.
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Все новости выпущенные 30-04-2008, 11:52

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