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Добавлено 18-04-2008, 07:53 в категорию Полезные программы

Portable Turbo Photo

Portable Turbo Photo

Программа для обработки и сортировки изображений, получаемых с различных цифровых устройств (сканеры, цифровые фотоаппараты). Позволяет повысить качество изображений, добавить эффекты, надписи, рамки. Кроме того, программа может служить средством для просмотра цифровых фотографий. Turbo Photo состоит из двух частей: редактора и фотоальбома для организации, просмотра и распечатывания снимков. Turbo Photo позволяет устранить "шум" с фотографии, избавиться от дефектов кожи, добавить на снимки рамки и надписи, сохранить набор изображений в виде слайд-шоу. Поддерживается обработка фотографий в пакетном режиме.

Turbo Photo is a powerful darkroom software helps users to improve their digital photos. In Turbo Photo, the full control of exposure, color, quality and the problem oriented user interface make it easy for everyone to get wonderful photo artworks. Moreover, the most flexible functions will bring you surprise, enjoyment and fun.
In Turbo Photo Editor, the functions are classified in 5 groups from photography aspect: transform, exposure, color, enhancement and frame signature. The what's wrong wizard will lead you to the corresponding function quickly and visually. Besides the traditional functions and features you can image, Turbo Photo provides its own unique and magic functions like tone maker, smart erase, noise reduction, defog, HSB curve and many more...

You will also find considerate designs in Turbo Photo such as partial adjustment, before-after sync- comparison for each step side by side, limitless history ...

In Turbo Photo Album, another tool, besides you can manage, view, print your photos, you must try its marked features including: Batch processing, process multiple photos one time; Typeset print, arrange photo copies on single paper; EXIF statistics, find your photography habits; And more...

In conclusion, from photographers to basic digital camera users, no matter beginners or professionals, Turbo Photo is a magic tool worth to try!

Limited by the page space, the features are highly summarized as follows:
* Problem oriented wizard and automatically processing, get extraordinary photos step by step.
* Full control of exposure and color with tools from basic to professional.
Recommend: 'Professional histogram', 'HSB curve','Tone maker' and 'Photography conception adjustment'.
* Support adding frame, text, logo, signatures with templates or manually.
* Remove or reduce noise, fog, dark corner, purple fringing, red eyes, spots...
* Optimize portrait by special digital beauty function with both wizard version and professional version.
* Supply plenty of special effects and support external plug-ins.
* Free transform include correcting barrel distortion and perspective distortion, changing shape.
* Powerful print and typeset functions.
* Batch processing, support resizing, renaming, converting, processing...
* Screen capture and camera capture.

LetitBit.Net Зеркало / Mirror
Размер: 8.49 Мб

Автор публикации: skyver491.
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Все новости выпущенные 18-04-2008, 07:53

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