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Добавлено 22-03-2008, 19:23 в категорию Полезные программы

BatchRename Pro 3.30

BatchRename Pro 3.30

Программа для переименования большого количества файлов. BatchRename позволяет создавать правила, с помощью которых вы можете указать параметры, по которым будет происходить процесс переименования файлов. Кроме этого, программа позволяет отменять процесс переименования и восстанавливать исходные имена файлов, а также вести логи всех действий и многое другое...

BatchRename (pro) enables you to batch rename files and folders easily and flexibly. With BatchRename (pro), you can define all kinds of renaming rules you desire. Especially you can rename MP3 files with ID3 Tags and rename pictures with EXIF data. In addition, BatchRename Pro allows you to batch convert and resize your photos easily.

Main features
• Support EXIF data - rename digital camera pictures with the EXIF data information: Camera name, Digitized date, Original date time, ISO speed, Exposure time, Shutter speed, Lens aperture, F-Number...
• Support renaming files using their Shell detail properties* - you can use what you see on the columns of Windows explorer (including video properties, audio properties ...) to rename the files.
• Support for MP3 Tag ID3 v1 and v2, rename by music's Title, Album, Artist, Genre, BitRate, Frequency, SubTitle, Language, Comment, Copyright, Composer and etc,...
• Support rename picture files by their Image properties: resolution, color bits, type format.
• Support Rename fles by the local date time format, or file's date time attribute.
• Insert specific length of digits ascending or descending to file or folder names.
• Uppercase/lowercase the first letter of each word, and Uppercase/Lowercase/Remove any specific character in the filenames.
• Support store the renamed files to a different folder by specifying destination output directory.
• Support truncate filename to a specific length.
• Favorite rename rules - you can easily save and pick up your favorite renaming rules. Also, you may ask us to build renaming rules for you, and download them from foryoursoft.com to your favorite directory.
• QuickView - it allows you view (picture) or play (movie or music) the selected file in the "QuickView" window. So you can see the files directly and decide how to rename them. Also, you can view all the file properties in the quickview area including: MP3 Tag info, Picture's EXIF data, and Windows shell details info. With this, you can easily decide which property you want to use to rename the file.
• Drag and Drop - It's easy to add files to the renaming list, just drag them anywhere and drop to BatchRename's files list.
• Support windows shell context menu* - The menu item "BatchRename files..." is added to the windows shell context menu after installation. By selecting some files in your windows explorer, right-click the files and select "BatchRename files" from the context menu, it will open "BatchRename" to rename the selected files and folders.
• Picture adjustment and editing* - You can select the "PICADJUST" command to resize your photos to a specific size, and even rotate or flip them with a batch rename rule.
• Batch picture convertsion
By adding picture convert rules "PICCONVERT", you can easily convert your pictures to most popular format (bmp, jpg, gif, tif, png) and support JPEG quality control.
• Preview Renaming - whenyou set up the FileList and the RuleList, you may want to preview the result to see whether it meet your requirements before you decide to really rename them.
• Undo Renaming - After you rename the files, this function allows you to cancel the changes, and restore the old filenames.
Version 3.30 (03/03/2008):
1. Improve support for renaming digital photos using the EXIF data, all EXIF properties supported.
2. Improve support for renaming MP3 files using MP3 ID3 Tags, all tags supported.
3. Regrouped favorite renaming rules with more favorite rules added.
4. UI improved, the result list is resizable now.

Внимание! У Вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста.

Автор публикации: MaxiPod.
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