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Добавлено 21-03-2008, 22:16 в категорию Полезные программы

UltraEdit-32 v14.00a

UltraEdit-32 v14.00a

Мощный текстовый редактор для написания текстов программ, HTML страниц и т.п. Сами создатели программы называют ее "Text Editor - HEX Editor - HTML Editor - Programmers Editor". Основные возможности: подсветка синтаксиса, проверка орфографии (в инсталляционный файл включена проверка английского языка), сверхрасширенные функции форматирования текста, поддержка нескольких буферов обмена, мощный поиск и замена, управление горячими клавишами, макросы, поддержка Unicode, встроенный FTP-клиент и многое другое.

Ultra Edit - Text, HEX, HTML ‘n’ programmers editor for allyour editing. An excellent replacement for Notepad and a whole lot more. Powerful yet very easy to use for thenovice and experienced power user. The userconfigurable syntax highlighting (coloring) ispre-configured for HTML, Java, C/C , VB - even hasspecial support for ASP. Users have often edited filesof 1GB or larger with UltraEdit-32. Its disk-basedediting design allows for easy handling of large fileswithout using up lots of RAM. UltraEdit-32 will meet your editing needs.

Key Features:
* Code Folding
* Supports 64-bit file handling (standard) on all 32-bit Windows platforms
* Unicode support
* Disk based text editing and large file handling - supports files in excess of 4GB, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
* Mulitline find and replace dialogs for all searches (Find, Replace, Find in Files, Replace in Files)
* 100,000 word spell checker, with foreign languages support (American English, British English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish and Swedish)
* Syntax highlighting - configurable, pre-configured for C/C , VB, HTML, Java, and Perl, with special options for FORTRAN and LaTex. Multiple wordfiles available for download
* FTP client built in to give access to FTP servers with multiple account settings and automatic logon and save. (32-Bit Only) Includes support for SFTP (SSH2)
* SSH/Telnet window
* Project/workspace support
* Environment Selector - Provides predefined or user-created editing "environments" that remember the state of all of UltraEdit's dockable windows, toolbars and more for user convenience.
* Integrated scripting language to automate tasks
* Configurable keyboard mapping
* Column/block mode editing
* Hexadecimal editor allows editing of any binary file, shows binary and ASCII view
* Named templates
* HTML toolbar preconfigured for popular HTML functions
* WebSearch Toolbar: highlight text and click a websearch toolbar button to search for highlighted term from within the editor
o Google search
o Yahoo search
o Wikipedia
o Dictionary.com
o Thesaurus.com
o Whois
o Network Solutions Whois
o PHP.net search
o cplusplus.com search
o MSDN online search
* File encryption / decryption
o Encrypt your sensitive source code files using your own key
o Integrates with UltraSentry to (optionally) securely destroy original, unencrypted file
o Decrypt files in UltraEdit only
* Integration with UltraSentry to securely delete UltraEdit temporary files
* Multi-byte support with integrated IME support

UltraEdit v14.00a Changes 2008-03-17
Japanese localization available
Fixed undo in column mode following paste beyond end of line
Fixed issue with printing syntax-highlighted file from command line
Delimiter no longer appended to end of lines when using "Convert to Fixed Column"
Some translation updates for Find/Replace dialogs in German version
Enhancements for Find/Replace shortcut keys
Fix for "Count All" not respecting "Find Where" selection
Corrected behavior of "Highlight All" and "List Lines Containing String" if "Current File" not selected in Find dialog
Replace in "Selected Text" no longer skips first found occurrence
Fix for macro looping
Fix for crash when using F3 during Quick Macro Record
Fix for issues when closing XML comments
Autoplay of macros on save now works with FTP files
Fix for issue when changing ASCII table font to cause possible crash on next startup
FTP Browser interface (GUI) enhancement
Wordfile.uew/taglist.uet relocated to the INI dir, if the user's path to wordfile.txt/taglist.txt is the current EXE dir
LaTeX spell checker filter to ignore commands in comments
Enhancements for the MSI default filepath
File compare from FTP now prompts to reload files
To/From network installs now supported
Background color in clipboard window
No longer overwrites FTP accounts in user file
Add FTP file to project from Explorer right-click
Other minor fixes and enhancements

Внимание! У Вас нет прав для просмотра скрытого текста.

Автор публикации: MaxiPod.
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В закладки жми Просмотров: 841 автор: MaxiPod Комментарии (0)

Все новости выпущенные 21-03-2008, 22:16

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