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Добавлено 20-03-2008, 10:58 в категорию Полезные программы

Portable SWF2Video Converter Pro V 5.3.0

Portable SWF2Video Converter Pro V 5.3.0

Программа для конвертации SWF-файлов в видео. Утилита поддерживает конвертацию в форматы: AVI, MPEG, VCD / SVCD / DVD, GIF


Convert SWF to AVI with RGBA alpha channel (Support all compression "codec" installed in windows system, such as 3ivx, DivX, Xvid...).

Convert SWF to DVD, SWF to VCD / SVCD compatible MPEG files, ready for burning.

Convert SWF to GIF animation, so that you can create animated GIF using FLASH MX and SWish.

Convert SWF to GIF / PNG / TGA / BMP / JPEG images sequence, PNG and TGA with alpha channel.

Support multiple alpha mode:

-Intensity to Alpha Channel

-IntensitySqrt to Alpha Channel

-BackgroundColor to Alpha Channel

Support "Only convert the specified rectangular area" option, you can eliminate unwanted areas around the frame, and only the specified rectangular area is kept.

Support audio conversion. The audio data can be created to wave or mp3 format from the original SWF file or import from an external wave, mp3 file. Also support manually synchronize video and audio.

No skip frames during conversion.

Allow user to interact with flash during conversion.

Convert movie clips and action scripts.

Support Flash 6, 7, MX, 8, 9 compressed movie.

Support EXE Flash movie.

Support Batch conversion.

Provide seek controller that help to fast locate frame number range for conversion.

User specifies the start and end frame number to convert.

Customizable dimensions for exported video .

Support multiple conversion modes:

- Skip "goto backward frame" commands in main timeline.

- Frame by frame conversion.

- Normal Conversion follows the orginal sequence.

Click to skip current recording/converting or force finish before complete.

Cool and easy to use interface.
Размер 4мб

Автор публикации: russell2008.
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