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Добавлено 9-03-2008, 00:04 в категорию Полезные программы

DirectX End-User Runtimes 9.0c (March 2008)

DirectX End-User Runtimes 9.0c (March 2008)

Пакет мультимедиа библиотек DirectX. Данная версия предназначена для установки на компьютеры пользователей и содержит в себе самые последние компоненты мультимедийных библиотек DirectX. Пакет DirectX необходим для правильной работы многих современных игр, отображения полноцветной графики, воспроизведения аудио/видео и 3D-анимации. Пакет локализован с многоязычной поддержкой (15 языков, включая русский).

Microsoft DirectX is a group of technologies designed to make Windows-based computers an ideal platform for running and displaying applications rich in multimedia elements such as full-color graphics, video, 3D animation, and rich audio. DirectX includes security and performance updates, along with many new features across all technologies, which can be accessed by applications using the DirectX APIs.

At the core of DirectX are its application programming interfaces, or APIs. The APIs act as a kind of bridge for the hardware and the software to "talk" to each other. The DirectX APIs give multimedia applications access to the advanced features of high-performance hardware such as three-dimensional (3-D) graphics acceleration chips and sound cards. They control low-level functions, including two-dimensional (2-D) graphics acceleration; support for input devices such as joysticks, keyboards, and mice; and control of sound mixing and sound output. Because of DirectX, what you experience with your computer is better 3-D graphics and immersive music and audio effects.

Additional Information:
- The DirectX redist installation includes all the latest and previous released DirectX runtime. This includes the bi-monthly D3DX, XInput, and Managed DirectX components.
- The DirectX runtime cannot be uninstalled. We recommend Windows Me and Windows XP users create a "System Restore" point before installing.

Simply put, DirectX is a Windows technology that enables higher performance in graphics and sound when you’re playing games or watching video on your PC.

Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows 2000; Windows 2000 Advanced Server; Windows 2000 Professional Edition ; Windows 2000 Server; Windows 2000 Service Pack 2; Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows 98; Windows 98 Second Edition; Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter x64 Edition; Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition; Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition; Windows Small Business Server 2003 ; Windows XP; Windows XP 64-bit; Windows XP Home Edition ; Windows XP Media Center Edition; Windows XP Professional Edition ; Windows XP Service Pack 1; Windows XP Service Pack 2; Windows XP Starter Edition; Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

Size: 69.5 MB

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