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Добавлено 12-02-2008, 01:27 в категорию Полезные программы

GameJackal Pro Beta 4

GameJackal Pro Beta 4

Game Jackal Pro - особенность программы заключается в том, что с ее помощью вы сможете играть во все ваши любимые игры, не вставляя оригинальный диск. При этом Game Jackal не изменят никакой части игры и не создает виртуальные диски, а создает лишь профили игр в то время, когда вы в них играете.

Features Pro Version
- Create profiles right from the desktop with the new "One-click" profile creation option. Simply right-click any game icon on you desktop (or anywhere else for that matter) and select "Convert to Game Jackal Profile", a much simplified creation wizard guides you through a 2 step process.
- Unused profiles can now be moved to an archive section allowing you to keep only your current favorites in the "My Game Profile" section.
- A new "plug-in" interface is now available, this allows third-party developers to create plug-ins for Game Jackal Pro.
- Right-click popup menu for profiles, this provides a faster and easier way to manage profiles.
- Improved reliability, support and performance for many games and hardware configurations.
- Support for multi processor hardware, including the ability to specific processor(s) on for each profile.
- Image mode, for games that need to stream data from the CD or DVD during game play.
- An easy to use interface, providing the user with a single tool for "cd free" gaming.
- The creation of a Game Jackal Profile is performed while you are playing your favorite game!
- Using the auto update feature, your version of Game Jackal Pro will always be the latest version available.
- Guardian Control, this feature allows for the password protection of game profiles in addition to specifying when and how long a game can be played.
- No longer do you need to find and insert the game's CD-ROM.
- Preserve the original game's CD-ROM: one of the problems with having a favorite game is that the CD-ROM gets damaged over time.
- Game load times are dramatically shortened

Release v3.0.0.4 - beta 4
Improved profiling speed.
Fixed a number of bugs with profile maps and "automatic" mode.
Fixed a corruption issue when profile is re-captured.
Fixed "No DVD inserted" message that some games have been experiencing.
Fixed a bug in the "profile update" option.

Download / Скачать: 3.47 Mб

Автор публикации: ufounet.
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Все новости выпущенные 12-02-2008, 01:27

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