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Добавлено 15-02-2008, 21:41 в категорию Музыка

Dark the Suns - In Darkness Comes Beauty (2007)

Dark the Suns - In Darkness Comes Beauty (2007)

[center]Исполнитель: Dark the Suns
Название диска: In Darkness Comes Beauty
Жанр: gothic metal
Год выпуска: 2007
Размер: архив 72.1 mb
Треки: 10

1. Reflections (4:17)
2. The Sleeping Beauty (3:37)
3. Black Sun (4:14)
4. Alone (4:15)
5. A Darkness to Drown in (3:37)
6. Angel Soul (4:01)
7. Drama for Gods (3:53)
8. Ghost Bridges (4:09)
9. Like Angels and Demons (3:18)
10. Away (4:35)

This band started as one-man-project of Mikko Ojala in 2005 and the first demo was made by the man on his own. This ‘Sleeping Beauty’ (hail Tiamat) was chosen “demo of the month” in Inferno Magazine. It was pretty hard to find some co-musicians and that is why Mikko moved from Valkeakoski to Jyvaskyla early 2006. There it buzzes with musical activities – I can tell by heart that it is the hometown of Swallow The Sun and Ghost Brigade as well – and soon Mikko met people who wanted to make his musical dream come true. Of course one and another could not be achieved without some line-up changes – Mikko initially played bass, but switched to guitar – but I see that many gigs in Finland are planned in the near future, so things are going well.

Regarding the name and the song titles they do not excel in originality, neither they do musically. It does not prevent ‘In Darkness Comes Beauty’ from being a fresh gothic metal album that will appeal to fans of old Crematory or nineties Tiamat. For indeed we hear ten sparkling songs – very dark, a touch of melancholy, but very catchy as well and therefore a joy to listen to. There are heavy guitars and vocals are intelligible semi-grunts, but the light touch comes from keyboards. No multilayered soaring keyboards, but sparkling piano melodies inviting you to hum along. In ‘Reflections’ and ‘Alone’ there are some verses with whispering vocals. All of the songs are proper compositions that haunt you, but there is no song that shines out by its remarkable or different approach. Some people will love this coherency; others would have liked a bit more adventure. A song that could be an instant hit as single is ‘Ghost Bridges’ in which Harri Kauppinen does any guest vocals. ‘In Darkness Comes Beauty’ is an immediately familiar sounding album for fans of dark gothic with beautiful piano melodies; they call it nothing but melodic metal. Anyway, they have diverted me with their first effort.

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