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Добавлено 1-02-2008, 18:09 в категорию Игры

Cortex Command

Cortex Command
Cortex Command | 22 MB
In Cortex Command, you play as a prospector and explorer in a time where complete cybernetics and whole-body amputations are common practice. Your severed brain is able to control many different types of bodies remotely from its underground bunker: clones, robots, spaceships, defensive turrets, and so on. A typical scenario starts with a building phase where you get to construct your own bunker complex from scratch. Then you need to mine precious gold from the deformable pixel terrain in order to buy more and better ships, soldiers, weapons, digging tools, and deployable defenses. Use these assets to defend your disembodied brain and to destroy or bankrupt your opponent! Control your team of remote bodies either directly or let the friendly AI do your bidding through real-time strategy elements built into the game. Play up to four players in split screen - 2 vs. 2 players, or all four cooperatively against the computer. Eventually, play the campaign missions together with friend...

Размер: 22 MB

Автор публикации: valentin1976.
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Все новости выпущенные 1-02-2008, 18:09

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