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Добавлено 21-02-2008, 01:31 в категорию Игры

Penguins! - Wild Games

Penguins! - WildGames Crack

* Operating System: Windows 2000, XP and Vista
* Processor: Pentium 3 - 800MHz or better
* RAM: 256MB
* DirectX Version: 8.1 or above
* Keyboard and Mouse: Supported

Visit the most adorable animals in the zoo any time of the day or night. Join 'Ace' the penguin, on his escape through 80 levels of penguin-puzzle fun. Ace and fellow penguin friends need your help to elude zoo keepers by using their 'cool' gadgets to continue through 8 different zoo zones. Visit the gift shop to buy your penguins new outfits or pick up a hot new soundtrack and thaw that frigid air. Track your progress with zoo maps and play on into any season of the year.

Excellent toy, good graphics, otpada puzzles, books hypertime. B. I said all young lovers games - this must have every game!
Sweet and grafichnaya toys, continues the theme lemmings. This time the 25 penguins conceived escape from the zoo and you, with the help of commonly available tools needed them through 40 different levels for freedom. A wide variety of commonly available tools - is trampolines, guns, forged stairways machine bubbles (bubbles in the penguins can fly)

Also penguins can guard gives evil uncle and send back to the prison, but you can understand how much it is prikinte gorbatitsya free at the zoo if miss 25 penguins expensive imports, and therefore better simply sidestep feel unhappy. Upon passage of the level you can go to the store and the money collected at the inception buy clothes for HDTV or additional bonus levels. Lemmingi words: nothing has long been saved, and this time, your help is required Pingvinam not Move them!

Размер: 18 mb

Автор публикации: valentin1976.
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Все новости выпущенные 21-02-2008, 01:31

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Уважаемый гость, Некоторый контент доступен только зарегистрированным пользователям, а абсолютно всё, VIP пользователям. Регистрация
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