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Добавлено 20-02-2008, 20:22 в категорию Игры

PegIt v1.1.6crack

PegIt v1.1.6crack

PegIt is a unique and challenging puzzle game. The game was originally inspired by the classic board game 'Peg Solitaire' which I played regularly as a child. I decided to create my own version of the game with different board layouts.

As I designed the game, the Pegs turned into scruffy haired beings who leapfrogged over each other. I added a 'Blocker' object which was impossible to jump over or land on. I tried to think of new objects to create more varied levels and eventually came up with the 'Trampoline' object. This allowed the PegIt's to make multiple moves in a single jump.

The game then grew with the addition of the Directional Trampolines. The next addition was the See-Saw object which had the unique ability of propelling other PegIts! These objects came together to form almost a perfect combination of puzzle game elements; simple objects that when combined form almost limitless logical possibilities.

PegIt is easy to learn. You're given a level with a number of 'PegIts' (Funny yellow haired jumping people!) and a certain number of 'Jumps'. Your aim is to remove all the PegIts from the game using these jumps. When one PegIt jumps over a second PegIt, the second PegIt is removed from the game. If only one PegIt remains, it is also removed from the game and the level is completed. The game gets a little more complicated with the introduction of some special objects

The PegIts can only jump in 4 directions and always jump over one space. Usually a PegIt will jump over another PegIt but it is not important. A PegIt can never land on top of another PegIt! The picture on the right shows a selected PegIt and 3 possible jumps (Up, Left, Down) marked by a white markers. The 4th direction (Right) is not allowed because there is no empty space!

Размер: 1.2 mb

Автор публикации: valentin1976.
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