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Добавлено 29-05-2008, 16:10 в категорию Фильмы

Photoshop Top Secret DVD 1-5 (video)

Photoshop Top Secret DVD 1-5 (video)

Год выпуска: 2007
Разработчик: Photoshop Top Secret
Платформа: Windows All
Язык: Английский

Совершенно свеженький продукт от Mark Monciardini, Photoshop® Top Secret™ - прекрасный туториал, который учит Вас шаг за шагом , как создавать самые современные графические эффекты, используя Adobe® Photoshop®. Продукт будет понятен любому студенту. В комплект входит цветная галерея с начальным и конечным результатом различных работ каждого проекта на протяжении курса. Представленный Марком Макардини, Photoshop® Top Secret™ Курс обучения, который пошагово научит вас создавать современную графику и спец. эффекты в Adobe® Photoshop®, поможет стань профессиональным дизайнером. Этот курс включает 5 DVD-ROMа - более 18 Gb видео и проектов.

Видео кодек:
Input Type : YV12(RAW)
Input Size : 976 x 560

Аудио кодек:
SampleRate(Sample/sec) : 44100
BitRate(Bit/sample) : 16
Channels : 2

DVD 1 (образ ISO 4,4 Гб)
DVD 2 (образ ISO 4,3 Гб)
DVD 3 (образ ISO 3,6 Гб)
DVD 4 (образ ISO 3,8 Гб)
DVD 5 (образ ISO 3,1 Гб)

Photoshop Top Secret DVD 1-5 (video)

Состав DVD 1 :
Movie Poster Design I Create a popular people montage seen on many movie posters.
Movie Poster Design II Take an ordinary house and turn it into a Sci-fi Movie Poster.
Movie Poster Credits Tips and tricks on creating a real “Credit Block” for movie posters.
Dark Faces How I created my creepy Image that has been in Magazines and Ads.
Breaking Apart Create the illusion that a face is falling apart.
Dream Scene Montage Create an elephant with wings and place it into a futuristic world.
Stone Portrait Create a “Stone Bust” out of a portrait for a killer special effect.
Surreal Images Create a creamy foggy mist over water and rocks.
Dream Skin Create a fantasy woman with henna art and dream skin.
Special Effects Learn how to create orbs, fireballs and jellyfish like creatures.

Photoshop Top Secret DVD 1-5 (video)

Состав DVD 2 :
Painting a Portrait
Digitally paint a portrait from a photographic reference.
Swapping Faces
How to take the face from one photo and place it into a completely different one.
Pop Art
Turn a Photograph into artwork that was popular in the mid 1950’s.
Applying Tattoos
How to apply henna and tattoos to skin.
Masking Fur
Seamlessly remove the background from furry animals.
Vanishing Point
What Vanishing Point is and how to edit images with perspective.
Web Graphics
Learn how to create commonly used web graphics and screen shots.
Shattered Type
Create the illusion that text is being shattered like glass.
Flower Greeting Card
Use the vector tools in Photoshop to create an elegant looking Greeting Card.
Creating DVD Covers
Mark shows you exactly how he created the Photoshop Top Secret DVD covers

Photoshop Top Secret DVD 1-5 (video)

Состав DVD 3 :
Flying out of Bounds Create the classic “out of bounds” effect with a very cool masking trick.
Reaching out of Bounds Creating the illusion of arms and hands reaching out of a picture frame.
Chocolate Milk Frog How to make a frog covered in chocolate.
Covered with Wax Choose an object and cover it with melting wax.
Grunge Look Create a unique grunge background that can be used for almost anything.
Square Fruit Play with mother nature by changing the shape of fruit.
Invisible Man How to make a person vanish from their clothing.
Metal Collage How to create a Robot with pieces of a Photo and then place it into another world.
Morphing Creatures Morph animals and reptiles together to create interesting creatures.
Using Layer Comps How to create multiple layouts in one Photoshop file using Layer Comps.

Photoshop Top Secret DVD 1-5 (video)

Состав DVD 4 :
Vector Art Portrait Turn a Photograph into beautiful vector art.
Dreamy Background Create Sci-fi looking spiral backgrounds.
Liquid Metal The ultimate Liquid metal technique that can be applied to text and objects.
Smoke Create Psychedelic and Natural Smoke to incorporate into your artwork.
Soap Bubbles Use soap bubbles to add flair to your projects.
Water Bubbles Use these water bubbles to infuse imagination into your projects.
Underwater Scene Create an underwater illusion with just the tools in Photoshop.
Swap Animal Skin Take skin from one animal and place it over another.
Stylized Character Turn a sketch into colorful art.
Masking Mastery Special video that explains many masking techniques used by the pros.

Photoshop Topsecret DVD 5:
Paimting Fantasy Portraits in Photoshop (Работа с фотографией)

Photoshop Top Secret DVD 1-5 (video)

Photoshop Top Secret DVD 1-5 (video)

+ Зеркало RapidShare.com
+ Зеркало Letitbit.net

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