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Добавлено 24-02-2008, 22:46 в категорию Полезные программы

Giant Disk Cleaner 1.9.8

Giant Disk Cleaner 1.9.8

Giant Disk Cleaner - Позволяет легко освобождать дисковое пространство от неиспользуемых временных данных, таких как временные папки, Internet Explorer КЕШ и Cookies папка, корзина и т.д.

Giant Disk Cleaner is the all-round answer to making the most of your valuable hard drive space and boosting your computer's performance. Giant Disk Cleaner is a program that securely clears obsolete/junk files, duplicate files and broken shortcuts from your system. By clearing out these unwanted files Giant Disk Cleaner can help you utilize your amount of available hard drive space and remove obstacles which could be hindering your computer's performance. In addition, Giant Disk Cleaner provides a handy tool to help you easily and securely manage erase your files through Giant Disk Cleaner file shredder.

Junk and obsolete files
Many files on your computer are necessary for your system to perform properly. Others are not necessary and waste precious hard drive space. Giant Disk Cleaner will safely scan and remove junk and obsolete files from you computer to free up extra disk space and keep your system running at peak performance.
Broken Shortcuts
Shortcuts are great when they work but what about those that don’t? When files get moved the links are corrupted and your shortcuts no longer work. With Giant Disk Cleaner you can easily scan and remove broken shortcuts from your Start menu, recent documents and Desktop.
Duplicate Files
Having multiple copies of the same files can waste valuable hard drive space and make keeping track of your files difficult. Giant Disk Cleaner will scan your computer for duplicate files and show you exactly where they are located. You can then choose to delete the duplicates or let Giant Disk Cleaner back them up and erase them for you.
Backup Utility
With Giant Disk Cleaner’s backup system you can rest assured that erasing measures taken with Giant Disk Cleaner are completely reversible. Giant Disk Cleaner allows you to backup obsolete, duplicate and broken shortcut files before you erase them making restoring needed files a breeze.
Securely file deletion
Giant Disk Cleaner meets the most advanced standards in secure computer file erasing (DOD, NSA, Gutmann, GOST). You can rest assured that your deleted files are entirely unrecoverable even to the most advanced recovery tools on the market.
File Shredder
With Giant Disk Cleaner’s file shredder you can securely erase any file or folder. Following the most advanced computer file erasing standards (DOD, NSA, Gutmann, GOST) you can be sure the files you discard are gone forever!

Размер: 1.24 Mb

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