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Добавлено 5-02-2008, 06:02 в категорию Полезные программы

Advanced Registry Fix 4.0

Advanced Registry Fix 4.0

Advanced Registry Fix - программа которая поможет вам просканировать и исправить ошибки в реестре Windows одним кликом мыши, так же сделает дефрагментацию реестра что поможет в дальнейшем избежать всевозможных "глюков" системы, так как именно такие ошибки являются основными причинами частых ошибок, тормозов и падений вашей системы.

Are you fed up with your PC taking ages to start up, run slow with sudden lock ups, computer crashes or error messages you can't get rid of? Or are you just looking to improve your PC performance, keep your system clean and running smoothly at optimal performance? Just like an engine of a car, you would never expect it to work perfectly, if at all, if you didn't look after it and gave it a service once in a while. Your PC is no different, it's a highly complex machine under the hood and if you don't look after it, it will also breakdown.

What is Advanced Registry Fix™?
Advance Registry Fix™ is an intelligent utility that interrogates your system for a wide range of PC problems, including references to already uninstalled programs, missing help files, broken shortcuts, virtual devices, start-up programs, fonts, and configuration files. Advanced Registry Fix™ checks and fixes all errors found in your Computer Registry that slow down and even crash your computer. It will even repair invalid entries at Windows start-up making your PC start faster!

How can Advanced Registry Fix™ help me?
Advanced Registry Fix™ uses our proprietary high performance scan engine with a complex blend of Algorithms including Microsoft's recommended Recursive CSCAN algorithm to safely scan, clean, repair and optimize your Computer System. Your PC will start quicker, be more reliable and run faster! Advanced Registry Fix™ has been designed to be extremely easy to use that requires no IT experience; the program installs effortlessly and guides you through the whole process.

What is my Computer Registry?
Your Computer Registry is a database used to store important information for all your hardware, software and preferences of your computer. It's the heart of your PC Operating System; the engine that drives the car! Every time you install any kind of software, hardware or update drivers, entries are made and stored in the Registry. In fact, just running any application on your computer can make several changes to your Computer Registry.

An accumulation of invalid entries can slow down your system, cause it to generate error messages and prevent programs from functioning properly which can result in your system becoming unstable and crashing.

Why do I need to fix my Computer Registry?
Unfortunately, a lot of software and hardware developers use outdated or incorrect installation processes that fail to remove all references to the application or hardware when it is either installed or uninstalled.

Have you?
Installed or uninstalled software, hardware or updated drivers?
Had software that never installed or removed correctly?
Had a computer Virus, Spyware or software that embedded itself in your system?
Tried lots of different software programs or games?

Uninstalling or changing software, hardware and drivers never leaves your PC clean. Entries are left behind in your computer registry causing your PC to become unstable and corrupted. This results in sudden crashes, system failures and unknown error messages that ultimately cause a severe lag in your PCs performance. But your computer registry is not the only problem!

You won't believe the mess that is left behind on your PC when software or hardware is removed!
When you uninstall software and hardware it is highly probable that remnants are left behind in your hard drive or registry that clog up your system, without a good program to remove and fix these entries you'll be left with problems that cause imminent trouble including:

Corrupted entries left in your Computer Registry
Broken links and short cuts
Program folders, help files, fonts and configuration files
Applications that load when your PC starts-up

It is no wonder that your PC quickly becomes bogged down causing frustratingly slow performance. Use Advanced Registry Fix today to spring clean your PC.

Homepage: http://advancedregistryfix.com

Размер/Size: 5.78 MB

Автор публикации: nadykaty.
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Все новости выпущенные 5-02-2008, 06:02

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