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Добавлено 28-06-2008, 21:26 в категорию Игры

Harvest Massive Encounter v1.14 (by Oxeye Game Studio)

Harvest Massive Encounter v1.14 (by Oxeye Game Studio)

Необычная стратегия в реальном времени с уникальными игровыми элементами.
Как только человечество научилось совершать космические экспедиции, началась колонизация планет в отдалённых системах. Всё началось с добычи ресурсов, а закончилось контактом с инопланетной цивилизацией... Они предложили мирное сотрудничество со взаимной выгодой, но люди не пошли на встречу. Теперь они собираются очистить свои планеты от земных колоний и застроек, и ваша цель - противостоять натиску врага.
Игроку предоставлен контроль над отдельной базой, которую он должен защитить любой ценой от неизбежного нападения. Расширяйте свою базу, добывайте ресурсы и стройте оборонительные сооружения - связь между всеми строениями осуществляется сетью соединительных энергетических звеньев, за счёт которых и происходит пристройка новых сооружений. Для обеспечения максимальной эффективности вам придётся продумывать каждый шаг - всего 5 типов сооружений предоставят огромный набор возможных вариаций стратегии.
В игре увлекательный и разнообразный геймплей, 3 планеты, 5 режимов, поддержка модов, 9 видов вражеских юнитов, шикарная графика и атмосферный саундтрек.

They looked for love and understanding. We had none. They asked for mutual benefit. We didn’t plan to share. Now they’re trying to take back their solar system. You won’t let them!
Harvest: Massive Encounter is an award-winning real-time strategy game with battles of epic proportions and a unique style of resource management and exploration. In this 2D fantasy you take on the role as the base commander of a space colony far, far away, and must use five building types in a creative way to efficiently expand and defend it. Build power plants, mineral harvesters and defense towers and make sure they have sufficient energy to fend off endless hordes of evil aliens. The game offers a vast array of possible strategies with these simple rules, and will compel you to try new and better base designs every time.

The fundamental gameplay action of Harvest: Massive Encounter is to place buildings that cost credits and energy. Credits are gained by harvesting minerals from mineral fields, and energy is produced by power plants. What makes the game unique and interesting is how you get the energy to the building that requires it. Energy moves from the power plants to other locations by jumping between energy links that you place, and you can improve the energy network by setting waypoints.

You also need to build defenses. Lots of defenses! The aliens are out to get you! They must be stopped with Laser Towers, Missile Turrets and over-charged bombs that you place and power up with energy. The laser towers can be linked together to improve their range and damage, and the missile turrets can be upgraded for different purposes. These defenses are needed, because the aliens are equipped with ten distinct units, each that require different priorities and counter-measures.

Your objective is to try to stay alive for as long as possible. Compete on the extensive online high-score lists, form player groups that battle against other groups, or simply try to beat your own record on each of the game’s planets. With two scores to beat, three planets to explore and four high-score enabled game modes, you will have a lot to do!

Survival Real-Time Strategy Game with Epic Proportions
You must build your base, gather resources and fend off endless hordes of aliens. The game uses a highly optimized engine perfectly suited for epic battles with literally thousands of enemies!

Unique Resource Management that Requires Planning and Creative Thinking
The fragile balance between harvesting, energy production and base defenses requires planning and creative strategies. The energy must be linked to your buildings, the minerals must be reached and your harvesters must be protected. Will you be able to handle it all? Will you findan optimal solution? Is there one?!

Beautiful Rendered 2D Graphics
Harvest: Massive Encounter contains beautiful high-quality 2D graphics that will make the most of your 3D-accelerated graphics card.

Five Game Modes Ranging from Relaxed to Insane
The game can be played in four game modes: “Normal”, “Rush”, “Wave” and “Insane”, each with a new kind of challenge. If you want to freely explore the game, there is a fifth game mode called “Creative” which is designed for that purpose. In Creative you can play at your own pace, design your space colony the way you want it to look with all sorts of buildings. In this mode the aliens will not attack unless you want them to!

Three Worlds with New Challenges and Discoveries
Visit the planets Hephaestus, Poseidon and Ares. Each planet has its own artwork, environment and alien types, and will offer you a new experience.

Nine Distinct Enemy Alien Types
In Harvest: Massive Encounter the aliens are out to get you! Their arsenal consists of nine distinct units that will do their best to destroy your space base. Discover the Armored Hovercraft, the Armadillo Tank, the Black Dragon, the Thunder Flea, the Death Mite, the Gehenna Shuttle, the Steel Monocle, the Energy Sapper and the A-13 Intelligence Vehicle!

Five Building Types with Unique Abilities
In Harvest: Massive Encounter you only need to memorize five building types, but each one of them is a crucial puzzle piece in the defense and expansion of your base. All of them fill a purpose and have unique special abilities that you can use in creative ways to invent new defense strategies.

Extensive Online High-scores
Beat your best threat level, beat your friend’s best, beat the world’s best! Harvest: Massive Encounter offers high-score lists for each game mode and each planet, and you can even join high-score groups and compete versus other groups! Will you and your friends beat Oxeye Game Studio?

Amazing Music Composed by Steve Olofsson
The man who made the great soundtrack for the game “Gravitron Ultra” has created new original tracks for Harvest: Massive Encounter!

Harvest is available in the following languages: English, French, Dutch, German, Swedish, Korean and Portuguese (Brazil)

Game features:
• Control A Massive Number Of Units!
• Unique Strategic Gameplay!
• Mesmerizing Energy Webs!
• Easy To Learn - Impossible To Master!

System requirements:
• Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
• 1.2 GHz
• 256 MB RAM

Resolution: Custom Fullscreen/Windowed
Размер: 56.7 Mb

Harvest Massive Encounter v1.14 (by Oxeye Game Studio)

Скачать - Harvest Massive Encounter v1.14 (by Oxeye Game Studio)

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Все новости выпущенные 28-06-2008, 21:26

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